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Gib Sea Scouts head back to Scotland’s ‘Field of Dreams’

A contingent of 22 scouts from the Gibraltar Sea Scouts will today participate in Scottish Scouting's premier international event – the Blair Atholl Jamborette.

The event brings together over 1,000 Explorer Scouts and Leaders from all over the world for a 10 day camp in a picturesque corner of highland Perthshire, known to all who attend as ‘The Field Of Dreams’.

Every two years since 1946 the grounds of Blair Castle have been transformed with participants from all over the world coming together to camp and share in fun, friendship, and a massive range of adventurous activities and challenges.

A group of scouts from Gibraltar actually attended the first Jamborette held in 1946.

The contingent headed by W Santos comprised of the following: A Canessa, P Wolstencroft, J Chincotta, L Peralta and E Canessa.

The Gibraltar Sea Scouts have been attending every Jamborette since 1972 and this year a contingent of 22 Explorer Scouts and Leaders from the Group will be joining the camp.

They flew over to London on Sunday 15th July from where they boarded a connecting flight to Edinburgh ahead of joining the Jamborette today.

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