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‘Gib Voluntary Corps’ for Heritage Trust

The Gibraltar Heritage Trust has recently acquired a scale model of the Gibraltar Volunteer Corps (GVC).

The model is the product of 14 months of research and work by Joe Martinez and Andrew Rowbottom who have painstakingly been carving, casting, assembling and painting the models as they have assembled the diorama to show the first intake of the GVC in 1915.

The Model is now on display in the ground floor exhibition area of the Main Guard and will remain there until early in the New Year.

Mr Martinez and Mr Rowbottom were inspired by a photograph in the 2014 Gibraltar Heritage Calendar which showed the first intake of the GVC on parade in John Mackintosh Square.

The Gibraltar Volunteer Corps Ordinance was approved in May 1915. The idea was initiated in the Calpe Rowing Club where there was a strong feeling that local men should be contributing to the war effort. The strength of feeling soon spread throughout the community. Enrolment started on the 3rd July and by the 31st July 357 had enlisted, this number swelling to 441 by the 27th September that same year.

Presenting the diorama to the Trust, Mr Martinez said “I hope that the Trust enjoy safekeeping this diorama. It is just one example of what could be done with military museum miniatures.”



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