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Gibraltar futsal wins in San Marino

Victoria Stadium home of Gibraltar football

logo-gibraltar-faGibraltar Futsal team won the second of their matches against San Marino this weekend after an initial defeat on Saturday.
Having lost 6-1 on Saturday, with the team only having arrived in San Marino the previous night Gibraltar were to turn the tables the next day.
With players such as Andrew Lopez coming out on social media on Saturday evening promising supporters that the team would go all out to ensure that they came back with a victory, Sunday proved to be a different day altogether.
Gibraltar was to claim victory with a 4-3 win. The victory adds to futsal's growing list of achievments having recently recorded wins against Norther Ireland in friendly matches played in Gibraltar.
The team will be returning this week with some players joining their clubs to complete the Futsal Rock Cup semi-finals which take place on Saturday.

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