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Gibraltar Youth Service set to launch courses for new youth workers

The Gibraltar Youth Service will soon deliver an ‘Introduction to Youth Work’ training course for new volunteers and prospective employees.

Trainees will have the choice of two routes: assessed and non-assessed courses.

The non-assessed course is geared towards those wishing to volunteer, whereas the assessed course may be followed by those wishing to be considered for future, potential part-time employment within the Youth Service.

Following a selection process, including an interview, for both routes, selected trainees will be involved in an initial ‘Introduction to Youth Work - Aims, Objectives and Delivery’ session, and thereafter will participate in face-to-face youth work during evenings and weekends.

The assessed route will require trainees to evidence a set of core youth work skills and develop a relevant social educational project.

Successful completion of the assessed route will result in the award of a local certificate in ‘An Introduction to Understanding Youth Work’ and eligibility to apply for future Part-Time Youth Support Worker vacancies.

The training period will run until July 2020, during which time trainees will have the opportunity to work alongside Youth Workers and Support Staff in a variety of youth work scenarios.

This training offers an ideal opportunity for those wishing to work with young people and with a commitment to their education and welfare.

Further information about the course and application procedure can be obtained from the Gibraltar Youth Office on 20078578 during office hours.

Alternatively on

The deadline for applications is Friday 10th January, 5:00pm.

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