Gibraltarian writers pen Upper Town Anthology
Patuka Press, a self-funded and independent publisher of Gibraltarian literature, has just released its fourth anthology of Gibraltarian writing in pamphlet form titled ‘The Upper Town’.
The anthology features 24 pieces in English, Spanish and Llanito inspired by the streets, inhabitants and memories of Gibraltar’s Upper Town.
It includes poems, stories, essays and memoirs by Brian Gordon, Julian Felice, Jackie Villa, Humbert Hernandez, Gabriel Moreno, M.G. Sanchez, Charles Durante, Rebecca Calderon, Mae Easter, Giordano Durante, Jackie Anderson, David Chevasco, Jonathan Teuma, Dale Buttigieg, L.J Ballester, Martin Gonzalez, Alexandra Zoé Sanabria Rivera, Manuel Enriles, Stefano Blanca Sciacaluga, Geraldine Celecia, Tom Smith, Eloise Durante, Naomi Duarte and Pablo Chase.
The volume was edited by Giordano Durante and Sophie Macdonald who have also written an introductory note.
The cover was designed by the Gibraltarian artist Stefano Blanca Sciacaluga.
“We are so excited to launch our latest Patuka edition with the theme of the Upper Town,” Co-editor Sophie Macdonald said.
“There are some brilliant pieces this time—from ghost stories to musings on childhood, this edition does not leave a single corner of the Upper Town untouched.”
The anthology runs to over 160 pages in paperback and can be purchased from Amazon or locally from BookGem and the Heritage Trust shop.