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GIDA competes at IDF World Dance Championships

The Gibraltar IDF Dance Team is currently competing at the International Dance Federation 17th World Dance Championships, with 60 dancers and supporters attending the event in Pula, Croatia.

Team Gibraltar will compete in the Fantasy Dance, Dance Show, Belly Dance, FitKid and Hip Hop Categories.

Some 29 dancers will compete in the Mini (ages six to nine), Youth (ages 10 to 12), Junior (ages 13 to 16) and Adult (ages 17 plus) categories.

The IDF World Championships attracts around 2500 dancers every year and the competition is held over three stages to cover the 14 different dance styles offered at the event.

The Gibraltar Team always excels in the Fantasy Dance and Dance Show Categories.

It is now approximately six years that Her Majesties Government of Gibraltar recognized the Team and since then the dancers, coaches, choreographers and Committee have worked solidly to raise Gibraltar’s dance standards. This is always reflected on the successful results obtained at World level. G.I.D.A. always makes Gibraltar very well proud.

“Passion for Dance is simply our driving force,” said GIDA President Anne Marie Gomez.

“We all enjoy so much what we do. It’s such a great part of our lives. Our weekends and spare time is dedicated to this. This is the secret of our success.”

Although 29 dancers are participating in the event, Ms Gomez said more local dancers were interesting in competing, but there was a clash in examinations.

“It’s a feast of dance where different approaches to our art form are displayed in every corner, be it on the stage, backstage or in spaces surrounding the venue and sometimes even in the hotels,” Ms Gomez said.

Ms Gomez added that auditions happen in early October and local dancers are welcome to check the IDF website.

“We are happy to explore the possibilities of competing in Categories we have never participated in including ‘The Premium Section’ which is for veteran dancers,” Ms Gomez said.

“Next year the competition will be held in Spain so we do expect to take perhaps our biggest team to date.”

“I would just like to express how extremely proud I feel of being GIDA’s first President. We simply exist to promote our Gibraltarian Dance. I am sure the medals and trophies will follow.”