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Govt acknowledges urgent need for sewage action

The Government of Gibraltar has taken note of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the treatment of sewage in Gibraltar.
The judgment concerns not only Gibraltar but also other urban agglomerations of the United Kingdom.
“Gibraltar needs to treat its sewage not only because it is a requirement under EU law, but because a country that wants to take its place in the global community and be treated internationally with respect cannot in the 21st Century be seen to discharge untreated sewage into the marine environment,” the government said in a statement.
The government said a tender had already been issued for a sewage treatment plant and a preferred bidder identified.
But the fact that Gibraltar’s sewage is carried in salt water - and that in periods of rain this is greatly diluted - meant that the system used had to work for a wider range of conditions than is the norm.
“This took a great deal of time to resolve,” the government added.
“At present discussions on the funding model for the plant are in an advanced stage and the government will be making a full announcement soon.”