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Govt launch Christmas Tree recycling programme

The Department of the Environment has organising a recycling drive for real Christmas trees again this year.

The species that are usually used for Christmas trees will not survive in Gibraltar’s climate, even if they are rooted, said a statement from the department.

Recycling trees by turning them into mulch for use in other planted areas around Gibraltar helps to protect soils and reduces the amount of waste that has to be sent to landfill, the statement added.

The public is encouraged to recycle any real Christmas trees by removing all decorations and depositing them at the Civic Amenities Site on Europa Advance Road, which is open seven days a week from 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm at weekends.

“The Department would also like to take this opportunity to remind anyone with an artificial tree that with proper care and storage, these can last for a considerable time and according to Greenpeace should be kept for at least eight years (but preferably more) to keep lifetime emissions low,” said the statement.

“Proper storage is critical so consider investing in a storage bag and keeping it somewhere where it won’t be affected by major temperature or humidity changes throughout the year that can lead to mould or mildew.”

For any further information contact the department on 20044103 or e-mail .

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