Govt tweaks Zone 2 parking scheme
Residential Parking Scheme Zone 2 10-01-18 (Photo John Bugeja) press call by Hon Paul Balban
The Gibraltar Government has outlined plans to modify the Residential Parking Scheme (RPS) Zone 2 to try to test other parking concepts.
According to the Minister for Transport, Paul Balban, the changes aim to maximise the usage of Gibraltar’s limited public parking stocks and take into account the feedback received from stakeholders since the launch of the Town Zone, exactly two months ago.
In a statement the Government explained that as part of the recommendations contained within the Sustainable, Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan, regarding reviews of such schemes, the Government has announced minor modifications to this second Pilot Residential Parking Scheme effective as from Tuesday 29th May 2018.
According to the Government, the implementation of minor tweaks does not mean that the scheme loses its status as a “pilot” scheme.
“On the contrary, the scheme, of which Zone 2 is but one part of, will continue to be reviewed and modified over time especially in view of other zones due to be launched shortly,” it said.
Stakeholder feedback is but one factor that is taken into account when assessing such a scheme together with recommendations from the Working Group and Government officials responsible for overseeing the RPS Schemes.
The Ministry for Infrastructure and Planning said it is very pleased with the results of Zone 2 so far given that it is still at a relatively early stage and permit applications are still being received.
Nevertheless, a number of minor tweaks will be made to the pilot scheme to try to test other parking concepts.
For example, in an attempt to maximise the potential use of parking spaces along the southern end of Queensway, adjacent to Ragged Staff, the area will offer ‘Free Parking’ from 8am to Midnight daily.
These parking spaces will therefore now only be restricted for the exclusive use of Zone 2 Permit Holders, between the hours of Midnight until 8am the following morning.
During all other hours, these parking spaces, if available, may be taken up by the general public. These operational changes will be shown by way of signage.
Holders of Zone 2 Residential Parking Scheme Permits are reminded that they may continue to use these parking bays throughout the whole day in an unrestricted manner, regardless of these changes.
Furthermore, the Pay & Display Zone originally designated for at Flat Bastion Road will be converted to Zone 2 Residential Permit holder parking, after considering residents’ feedback in the immediate area.
This Pay & Display was initially provided so that visitors could access the area to visit family and friends or carry out other day-to-day activities in the area.
Following feedback from residents of the area, this Pay & Display will now be converted to Zone 2 residential parking once again with an element of free parking during certain areas during the day as dictated by signage.
Free parking within this small area of Flat Bastion Road will operate between the hours of 8am and midnight.
The Public wishing to visit the area of Flat Bastion Road will be able to make use of Pay & Display facilities located at Grand Parade, Rosia Road (North), Ragged Staff, Romney Huts and the part time free parking now being made available at the Southern end of Queensway.
These latest changes will continue to be monitored in order to assess their effectiveness and take up.
The implementation of designated residential parking zones aims to provide residents of the area with an improved chance of parking whilst still supporting the needs of visitors and commercial activity in those areas.
The success of the RPS will rely on effective parking enforcement in these areas and will be regularly patrolled by the appointed Parking Management Officers (PMO’s).
Information on how Residential Parking Zone 2 will operate is provided within an information booklet which is available at the Gibraltar Car Parks Ltd.
Application forms for Resident’s Parking Permits can also be obtained at Gibraltar Car Parks Ltd, Unit 99 Harbours Walk, The New Harbours Rosia Road, Gibraltar.
The information booklet and application forms are also available for download on the HMGoG website on:
Mr Balban added: “I am pleased to announce these minor changes to the Pilot Residential Parking Zone 2 following the successful launch and uptake of the scheme commencing as from Tuesday 29th May.”
“The changes aim to maximise the usage of our limited public parking stocks and take into account the feedback received from stakeholders since the launch of the Town Zone, exactly 2 months ago.”
“This is the first audit of the scheme which will continue to be monitored by officials over the coming months to ensure it performs optimally to make full and equitable use of the parking stock available within the whole area.”