GRGA wins first gold of season
The GRGA had a very busy schedule over the weekend as they travelled many kilometers to be able to compete at different locations.
On the Saturday, the GRGA had a very early start as they drove to Conil De La Frontera where we saw the individual categories perform.
The first Gymnast to compete from Gibraltar was Nyah Galia in the Base Juvenil Category. Nyah did a lovely ribbon routine and placed 6th.
Alyse Lombard-Leiria followed on in the Infantil Copa category and did a great rope routine and placed 12th.
Thea Cawthorn performed as an exhibition display with her clubs routine.
Mie Alvarez competed in the Senior Absoluto Section, with Hoop she placed 6th, Clubs she placed 6th and Ribbon placed 4th
In the afternoon session we saw Jasmine Vaughan in the Junior Pre-Copa Category with the ribbon apparatus and performed her best routine to date and achieved and placed 5th.
Sienna Zarb also competed in the Junior Pre-Copa Ribbon category and placed 10th.
Another early start on the Sunday, and we saw the Benjamin B group (Imogen Grounsell, Lara Banbury, Sofia Gallagher, Sophie-May Tart, Layla Ouzani, Isabel Sicouri) competed in freehand, and they won their first Gold medal. Their faces were absolutely priceless when they were on the podium.
The Individuals Category followed on with Sienna Zarb also competing in the Pre-Copa Hoop category and did a lovely routine and placed 6th.
Jasmine Vaughan competed in the Pre-Copa category. Her Ribbon routine was beautiful and placed 7th.
It was the first competition as an individual for Nora El Ouzani, she competed in the Pre-Copa Senior Hoop Category, she was very nervous but once she started her routine, she did a lovely performance and placed 11th.
Thea Cawthorn competed in the Cadete Base 2008 category, and her strong ball performance gave her a very high score of 18.4 and placed 5th.
Nyah Galia, Kylie Gaivizo and Mie Alvarez all competed in the Senior Absoluto Category.
Nyah for the first time competing in this category won 3rd place for ball and 4th in hoop.
Mie won 3rd for clubs ,3rd for Hoop, 4th for ball, 4th for Ribbon.
Kylie won, 2nd for Ball ,2nd for Hoop, 2nd for clubs and 5th for Ribbon , she also scored 3 routines over 20.00
We wish to thank Head Coach Sally Holmes for her time dedicated to these Gymnasts and thank you to Coach Sian Holmes for coming to assist in Ronda. - GRGA