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Help end loneliness by saying hello this Christmas, CAB urges

The Gibraltar Citizens Advice Bureau is encouraging people to say hello to each other this Christmas.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, CAB said there is a need, now more than ever, to help and connect with others.

“Christmas is a time of year that is traditionally family orientated,” CAB said.

“Family members get together to spend some quality time together, share in good cheer and enjoy each others company.”

“This year due to the coronavirus pandemic things are different and social distancing is advisable. The current situation could make people feel lonely and distant with feelings of isolation, loneliness and anxiety.”

Gibraltar Citizens Advice is encouraging people to start this Christmas season by saying hello.

“This initiative is important, socially and emotionally and highlights the power and benefits of connecting, contacting and helping each other,” CAB said.

“Now more than ever, we cannot emphazise enough the importance of human interaction and communication. Contact your family, friends, neighbours, anyone who miight be in self isolation, confinement or alone.”

“A phone call, a letter, an email or a video conference gives people support and encouragement.”

CABs message this Christmas is: “Say Hello from home to home, heart to heart, from one to another. Let the Spirit of Christmas bring us closer to each other in a safe way.”