Ju Jitsu follows its social distancing guidelines
What many had thought might not have been possible materialised last week when the Ju Jitsu Academy opened its doors under strict social distancing guidelines and protocols approved by public health.
The sport, which does involve contact was given the green light to resume with limited activities. Weeks of working behind the scenes and planning saw Sensai Athony Joaquin finally opening the doors to limited number of participants during its juniors and adults sessions.
The classes which will be free, are aimed at providing children with a chance to reconnect with the sport, whilst also allowing the more experienced members to return to some form of formal pratice after the prolonged stop due to the lockdown.
The Ju Jitsu academy will be holding sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays between 7.30-9.00pm at its premises at North jumpers bastion, Rosia road.