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Local women raise hijab awareness

World Hijab Day was celebrated in Gibraltar yesterday, with many local women trying on a hijab as part of the global awareness campaign.
Celebrated across 140 countries, this is the first year that Gibraltar has taken part in World Hijab Day, which began in 2013 as a way to raise awareness about the traditional Muslim head covering.
The Governor of Gibraltar, Lieutenant General Ed Davis and Minister for Equality Samantha Sacramento gave support to the day by visiting the stall at the Piazza.
The initiative was organised by Nadia Esserti and a team of local women.
“The aim of today was to bring awareness and to help others understand why some women wear the hijab, it is not about imposing our religion [Muslim],” Ms Esserti said.

“We have had a lot of ladies come in, try a headscarf on and then fill in a survey. We have had a lot of very positive responses and we are very happy,” she added.

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