Loreto Convent plant trees for ‘Just One Tree’ day
Pupils participated in 'Just One Tree' day and attended Loreto Convent school wearing a touch of green.
Collectively the School celebrated the importance of trees, from producing oxygen o breathe, cleaning the atmosphere, stabilising the soil and providing habitats for many other organisms, to the sheer majesty and beauty of these plants.
The day was led by members of the LSSC group, and all pupils participated in tree-related lessons in all areas of the curriculum, from mathematics and science to art, PE and library sessions.
“We are very grateful to Eden Botanics for supporting us on this day,” Loreto Convent said.
“The highlight of which was planting two brand new trees, a Ficus tree along with an Orange tree in our school garden.”
To find out more about this charity, find them on their social media pages or at: www.justonetree.life