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MoD outlines ‘no go’ area for boats off Western Beach

The Ministry of Defence will deploy four large buoys at Western Beach in order to designate a ‘no-go’ area for vessels in the area, which in the past has proved a hotspot for tobacco smuggling by sea.

By way of a public information notice, the MoD said the purpose of deploying these buoys is to “…increase airport safety by discouraging the presence of leisure craft in this area and to facilitate bird scaring controls”.

The buoys, however, will remain in situ to indicate a ‘no-go’ area for vessels without prior authority and liaison with RAF Gibraltar.

The work, which has been approved by the Gibraltar Government, will commence today Tuesday November 15.

Weather permitting the work is expected to be completed in one day, the MoD said.

The contractors, Resolve Marine, will be using a workboat with a small crane to lower concrete sinkers into the water to weight the four buoys.


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