Nautilus Project founder poetry to be showcased at Island Games
The Nautilus Project’s co-founder, Melanie Soiza-Stagnetto, was delighted to receive news that her poetry will be showcased in the ‘Pocket Island Poetry’ booklet at the next Island Games to be held in Guernsey.
Chosen from eighty-five poems, submitted by fifty-five poets from across fifteen of the competing islands, The Bay of Gibraltar poem representing Gibraltar will be featured at the Island Games.
The selected poems will be compiled into a booklet and will be distributed during the Island Games; these booklets will be celebrating the event taking place.
A copy of the poem will be printed in the games booklet and will be included in the welcome bags.
The poems displayed in the booklet will also be made available in Guernsey; they will also be displayed digitally across fifty-four screens, which will be showcasing the games.
Finally, the digital resource will be made available on the Guernsey Arts website, the Island Games website and will be directly sent to participating arts organisations.
“Nautilus continues placing Gibraltar on an international stage,” said a statement from the charity.
The Bay of Gibraltar
The resplendent Bay of Gibraltar
surrounding our cherished hometown
boasts a wealth of magnificent sea life
the sea surface radiates a shimmering gown.
Ocean flora and fauna flourish
while Thalassophiles admire in awe
these mesmerizing creatures’ realm
that bring gratification galore.
Southern end of the Iberian Peninsular
the narrow Straits proudly stretch out
opening up the Med and Atlantic
the vast blue waters spread about.
‘Tween Herculian pillars of strength
pods of dolphins and whales swim free
glimpses of sunfish shimmying past, you’ll experience
filling all ocean lovers with glee.
Venture down near the sea bed; it’s magic
around sea grasses seahorses wrap their tails,
spider crabs moult their shells periodically
and octopi breed without fail.
The display of sheer splendour is captivating
we’re just fascinated, enthralled
to witness such magnificent beauty
from this remarkable niche we cannot be hauled.
Halt a minute…what are these devasting news?
the seas are hurting, being destroyed
by us humans, we’re so reckless
at all cost, this, we must avoid!
Reports of extinction and decline
species of impeccable creation
guilt and sadness grip our conscious
as they appeal for our co-operation.
Let’s be their voice, let’s not allow
such breath-taking biodiversity,
suffer habitat loss, destruction
being subjected to copious adversity.
Time to stand up, to be counted
change our ways; become sustainable
marine life stood the test of time, they deserve it,
this proposal is obtainable!