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Nautilus Project hold World Ocean Day competition

The Nautilus Project recently held their third annual World Ocean Day competition with schools and local businesses awards for their environmental efforts.

The competition was open to all local schools with a few new innovative categories; including the year group projects, the overall Sustainable School award and the Gibraltar Sustainable Business Award.

The chosen theme was ‘Together We Can’ with the aim of showcasing the different ways in which Gibraltar has reduced its plastic and carbon footprint as a community.

The certificates were presented by Nautilus Project Founder Lewis Stagnetto and the Minister for Environment Dr John Cortes.

Governors Meadow First School won the Gibraltar Sustainable School Award with over 15 different environmentally friendly initiatives implemented during this academic year.

These are just a few of the schools initiatives: #CutTheCutlery, Eco Warriors Club, Plastic Free Events, General Plastic Reduction, Grow your own food, Environmental educational talks, Healthy Eating, Paperless, Energy saving practices, Carbon Free Transport, #MedOceanHeroes, Recycling, Waste Reduction, Upcycling, Carbon Footprint Reduction, Sustainability and more.

“We wish to thank all those schools that submitted individual, year group and overall school entries. The standard was exceptionally high and the judges commented on how difficult it had been to choose between them,” said a statement from the group.

“Congratulations to those who have achieved prizes but it should be noted that everyone is a winner with respect to making Gibraltar a more environmentally friendly place.”

Individual Entry Category - Literacy

Primary School
1st – Eve Rodriguez St Joseph’s First School
2nd – Chloe Mercieca St Joseph’s First School
3rd – Maiah Mifsud St Joseph’s First School

Middle School
1st – Megan Edmunds Year 7 St Joseph’s Middle School
2nd – Lise Maier Perez Year 6 St Anne’s Middle School
3rd – Nevanna Porter Year 6 St Anne’s Middle School

Secondary School
1st – Alexandra Lester Year 12 Bayside School
2nd – Sheridan Povedano Year 11 Westside School
3rd – Angelica Bosco Year 8 Westside School

Year Group Category - Projects
Primary School Winner
- Year 2 St Joseph’s First School with ‘Death of a Whale’
2nd – Year 2 St Bernard’s First School with ‘Why do we have so many jellyfish along our coastline ?
3rd – Year 3 Notre Dame First School with ‘Gibraltar and our environment’

Middle School Winner – Year 5 St Bernard’s Middle School with ‘Are we taking care of our dolphins?’
Highly Commended - Year 4 St Bernard’s Middle School with ‘Too good to waste’

Comprehensive School Winner – Year 8 Westside School with ‘Chasing Corals, Climate Change’

Overall School Winner – Gibraltar Sustainable School Award
Winner – Governor’s Meadow First School
2nd Place – Bishop Fitzgerald Middle School
3rd Place – St Anne’s Middle School

Gibraltar Sustainable Business Award

Six finalists were passed along to the GFSB for final judging:
PwC was awarded ‘Daring to be Greener’.
Morrisons was awarded ‘Sustainability Vision’.
Gamma/Ramboll was awarded ‘Green Building’.
University Of Gibraltar was awarded ‘Sustainability Team of The Year’.
Jyske Bank was awarded ‘Green Business Leaders’.
Eroski Center won overall category and was awarded the first ‘Gibraltar Sustainable Business Award’.

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