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Nearly half Gibraltar’s Covid-19 cases in 30-49 age group

Nearly half of Gibraltar’s recorded cases of Covid-19 to date have been among people aged between 30 and 49, according to data from the Gibraltar Health Authority published today for the first time.

Of the 206 cases recorded here since the first infection was detected in Gibraltar at the beginning of March until Thursday, 98 were in that age group, which represents the largest segment of the community by age.

Another 39 cases were in the 20 to 29 age group, representing about a fifth of all cases recorded in Gibraltar so far.

In the 50 to 59 age group there were 33 cases, while a further 16 cases were people aged between 60 and 69.

The measures put in place earlier this year to protect people aged over 70 mean that the number of older people infected with Covid-19 represent just a small percentage of the total.

Only 11 cases out of the total involved people aged 70 or over.

At the other end of the spectrum, the data shows that just seven people aged between 10 and 19 contracted the illness, and only two under the age of nine.

The data also showed that Covid-19 does not differentiate between gender.

Of the total cases, 100 were males and 105 females.

The data was released in response to questions from this newspaper.

The latest case was reported yesterday in the over 70 age group.

Yesterday there were 16 active cases, 15 of them residents and one a seafarer.

There were also 163 people in self-isolation either because of contact tracing or because they had symptoms.

The Gibraltar Government continues to stress the importance of social distance and personal hygiene as the key tools with which to stem the spread of Covid-19 as numbers increase in countries around the world, including the UK and Spain.

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