New Fire Kit for Gibraltar’s Firefighters
Gibraltar’s firefighters will begin wearing a new, gold coloured fire tunic and leggings as modernised personal protective equipment (PPE) is rolled out to all crews.
The change that will take place this week is the biggest kit update for fifteen years. The new kit is lighter and more durable than the current attire.
“It will inevitably enhance user experience and limit exhaustion and fatigue at potentially physically demanding operations. Another distinctive feature of this new outfit is the inclusion a reflective rear patch with “Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service” on it, as well as the Gibraltar flag on the upper right hand sleeve,” said a statement from the Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service.
The Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service now joins most of their UK counterparts who have adopted the collaborative fire kit model.
“These new additions make our firefighters clearly identifiable when we travel abroad and attend overseas courses, we must be proud of our identity and who we are as a people,” said Deputy Chief Fire Officer Matthew Payas.
Chief Fire Officer Colin Ramirez added: “Modern firefighting is so much more than rushing into burning buildings.”
“We need a kit that can support and protect our crews in a range of incidents whether fighting fires, freeing people trapped inside crashed vehicles, dealing with complex rescues or indeed protecting them at the many varied jobs we are called upon to respond.”
“As we align with best industry recognised safe working practices It is our collective duty to protect those that put their lives on the line to save others during every stage of an incident. As a service, we have an obligation to continuously evolve and implement the necessary policies and procedures, with the appropriate equipment to limit the harmful effects of exposure to toxic fire effluents. Its distinctive gold colour, shows up dirt and damage more easily, which will in-turn highlight potential contamination,” he added.