New Galleries for 2016 at the Gibraltar Museum
The Gibraltar Museum is planning an exciting new set of galleries that will occupy a wing of the ground floor. This forms part of its ongoing programme of works. The galleries are expected to open in the spring of 2016 and the first step has already been implemented: this is in the form of the opening of the main entrance, including the reception area, to the north of the former entrance.
This move had been planned for some time and was scheduled to follow the major refurbishment of the external facades which took place during 2014 and 2015.
A number of surprises are expected in the new galleries which will take a panoramic view of Gibraltar’s long history from the perspective of the people who have lived here and seeing the entire Rock, with its unique profile, as a cultural landscape.
This theme coincides with the 2016 International Council of Museum’s (ICOM) global theme – Museums and Cultural Landscapes – which will also be the subject of the 2016 Museum Open Day, which will be held on Saturday 21 May.
The Gibraltar Museum has also announced that, starting next year, it will adopt a theme for the year.
New displays, lectures and other planned activities will relate to the year’s theme which may coincide, as in 2016, with ICOM’s theme.
During the period of works, areas of the museum may be closed and the management of the Gibraltar Museum apologises for any inconvenience which may be caused as a result. It looks forward to the development and completion of this project which will enhance further the educational facility of an institution which this year is celebrating its 85th birthday.