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New ultrasound machine for GHA

The Gibraltar Health Authority yesterday received a £33,000 ultrasound machine donated by the Parasol Foundation Trust.

The ultrasound scanner, according to Critical Care Dr Auders Svendsen, will allow GHA staff to provide 24 hour care to the “most sick” patients. With this machine an ultrasound probe can be put through the heart to see any problems in the blood circulation. Before this new technology sterile catheters would be inserted into the circulatory system of patients in a much more dangerous procedure that produced less reliable results.

The Minister for Health Dr John Cortes alongside Chief Executive Fred Pitto, Director of Estates and Clinical Engineering Derek Alman, and Clinical Director Anaesthesia and Critical Care Dr Auders Svendsen were presented the scanner by Parasol Director Karin Orsing.

“When people come in during a bad situation we can do straight away a cardiac ultrasound to see why the heart is not working,” Dr Svendsen said.

“When we start the treatment we can see directly a result instead of waiting for tests of the results or waiting until the next day for someone to do the same.”

The machine is the only one of its kind within the GHA that can be used 24 hours a day. Although there is another ultrasound machine within St Bernard’s Hospital it is not equipped for constant use.

Parasol Foundation Trust, formerly known as The Bonita Trust, is a charity that has focused its efforts in Gibraltar, the UK and Israel.

“It is lovely to help people and we have been able to donate this thanks to Ruth Parasol who set up the foundation,” Ms Orsing said.

Ms Orsing added that the charity who recently donated funds to Childline will continue to donate locally.

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