PAAMOA’s chair exercises aid mobility
The chair exercise classes run by PAAMOA are giving participants a new lease of life, giving them more mobility than they previously had.
Laura Caulfield, is in her early 80s, has been going to the class for 10 years.
“I can do things I could not do before, like sitting down and bending over and now I can,” she said.
“I tell you I suggest this to everybody to come and join. It is really worth it.”
“I look forward to the class every Tuesday and the teachers are the best, the very very best.”
One of the instructors is Christine Payas has been teaching for over 10 years. She noted that generally the health of the people who attend the classes is much better and they feel good in themselves.
“They love coming because it is also a social thing,” she said.
“Come and try it, but we have a waiting list so come and put your name down.”
People are also invited to come along and watch just to see what it is all about.
Janet Lima is the other instructor.
“I think the people are very happy here. We do things that help with their walking and many aspects of life. You can notice that they all do the exercise by themselves and at the same time,” she said.
“It has been 10 years that we have been doing this.”
Both noted how rewarding it was for them and how the fact that they are also mature adults and it benefits everybody because they understand what they need to do and they can relate to things such as arthritis in the hands.
Marie Carmen Thornton, is 70 and started going to classes once she retired as something to do and to also keep fit.
“This is a very good class, it is a mobility class which is for your bones and your body,” she said.
“I miss it when I haven’t done it. I also do aerobics.”
“The instructors are very good, very good,” she added.
Anne Sodi, is also 70, has be going to the classes for a decade.
“I do miss it when we don’t do it during the summer and during the Coronavirus so I am glad to be in the class,” she said.
“My mobility is fine now too.”
“The instructors have been the same ones since I came for the first time, they are brilliant.”
“I hope I get to come for many more years,” she added.
Marie Teresa Casciaro, affectionally known as Tita, is in her late 80s and thanks to the class nothing stops her.
“What I have to say is short and sweet. Physically and mentally, it is very, very relaxing and it is something I look forward to every week,” she said.
“And, of course not forgetting the leaders. They are really amazing, they so patient, so understanding and they always have a little bit of humour which makes us laugh and I really enjoy it,” she added.
Violet Bonfante’s back pain is being relieved by attending the class.
“I suffer with back pain and the exercise does me the world of good,” she said.
‘I walk every day to downtown and have coffee everyday with my friends but on Tuesdays I come here because it helps me with my back.”
PAAMOA currently has over 450 members. The membership is free for those over 60’s and only requires a health screening form to be completed.
In person classes started again in the first week of October, visit for more details.
PAAMOA will be offering Pilates, Aqua activities and Mindful Movement together with a GSLA programme of free activities for the over 55’s.
Their website has been updated for 2021 and PAAMOA now have an email address for general enquiries.