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Patuka Press call for submissions for next issue on the Upper Town

Patuka Press is issuing a call for submissions for its next publication on the theme of ‘The Upper Town’.

The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2024, and the pamphlet will be released before Christmas.

Submissions must be no longer than 5,000 words and can be in English, Spanish or Llanito.

“The Upper Town is full of character and history — its winding alleys, steep steps and old buildings contribute to the image we have of the Gibraltar of the past,” the Patuka Press said.

“The Upper Town seems to evoke nostalgia, figments of a Gibraltar fixed in time — chatter in the patio, Genoese shutters in the sun. It holds meaning for us all. From El Calpe to la Calle Comedia, from Paradise Ramp to Pezzi’s Steps, what stories and poems can this area inspire?”

Fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry submissions will be accepted but works must be previously unpublished.

Submissions must be in Times New Roman, with font size 12 points and double spaced and sent in either pdf or Word document format to

“The aim of Patuka Press is to publish and promote Gibraltarian writing, to record literary responses to everyday Gibraltarian experience and to help preserve Llanito,” the group said.

“Its publications aim to boost and develop Gibraltarian literature.”

Patuka Press is edited by Sophie Macdonald and Giordano Durante and is an independent, self-funded, non-profit organisation.

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