Plans signed off for new Governor’s Meadow School
The design for the new Governor’s Meadow School has been signed off by the school’s head teacher, Fiona Ferro, Director of Education Jackie Mason and the Ministry’s Director of Estates,
Derek Alman.
The signing took place at a ceremony hosted by the Minister for Education, Dr John Cortes. Also present was Deputy Head Ivan Latin.
This is the latest design to be completed, the sixth of the nine schools to be built as part of the Government’s extensive programme in education.
It follows extensive discussion by the design team which included GCA Architects and the school’s senior team.
The new school will be constructed on the school’s current site.
Head Teacher Fiona Ferro said: “We are looking forward to working in the new Governor’s Meadow First School that we have all had an opportunity to shape.”
“It is indeed an exciting time as we begin to see the new chapter of GMFS unfold for our pupils and parents/carers.”
“Careful thought has gone into the kind of school we envisaged for the future including new learning environments that all form part of developing 21st century learning skills.”
Director of Education Jackie Mason said: “We welcome the next stage of our great undertaking for highly advanced schools, both in construction and infrastructure, to support the highest quality of teaching and learning standards.”
“Governors Meadow will be our first primary school with a mental hub centre as we concentrate on the holistic development of our children.”
Dr Cortes said: “I am delighted with the design of this school, a school which direly needs replacing, and look forward to work starting there later this year.”
“It will be an amazing school.”
Work will now continue apace in the design of the next school in the programme, Bishop Fitzgerald.