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Poetry Competition 2024 School Years 8-10 Winner A Good Small Place

by Yuvraj Ramchandani

Gibraltar known for our history
And our beaches Eastern, Caleta & Sandy Bay
Come to Gib to learn our part in the world war 2 story
You know for a small place we are pretty OK

St Michales cave, apes & our cable car so high,
GBC, Gibraltars national news.
Believe me none of this is a lie,
But sadly the frontier has vert long Queues.

In Gib we speak Llanito,
But the way come & see el Castillo
On the 10th of September its national day,
When we all shout yippee & hooray!

Judge’s comments: Years 8-10- Winner
A Small Good Place
A celebratory poem on life in Gibraltar, summed up so cleverly by the title. There are some excellent choices for rhyming words throughout, including being able to get in that dreaded feature of our lives, the border queues. As the poem reaches its conclusion, it draws into the well of our Llanito language and the joy of National Day celebrations.

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