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The annual Regatta week races were sailed recently at the RGYC with the overall winner being decided in the final race of the weekend. Charlie Lavarello in Nemesis and Charlie Stagnetto in Fairdawn actually drew on points for the overall title, but Charlie Lavarello took the cup on the tie breaker as he had won one more race than Charlie Stagnetto during the week.
Nick Cruz in Nemesis sailed a masterful race to win the biggest prize of the week - the beautiful Carrara Trophy - whilst Zoe Risso in Fencer returned from a long break in sailing to once again win the Ladies Race extend her record for the most wins in this event.

The full results of the week were as follows:

Colville Series – Overall Regatta Weekend result
1. Charlie Lavarello in Nemesis (Crews John Armstrong, Hamish Risso, Paul Borda and Richard Felipes) – 7 points (wins on tie breaker)

2. Charlie Stagnetto in Fairdawn – 7 points

Carrara Trophy Result
1. Nick Cruz in Eos (Crew Joey Imossi)
2. Charlie Stagnetto in Fairdawn
3. Charlie Lavarello in Nemesis

San Sebastian (Single Handed) Result
1. Charlie Lavarello in Nemesis
2. Andrew Alcantara in Zoe
3. Louis Triay Jnr in Viking

Cochrane Trophy Result
1. Charlie Lavarello in Nemesis (Crew John Armstrong and Richard Felipes)
2. Charlie Stagnetto in Fairdawn
3. Bernard Capurro in Temptress

Thompson Cup Result
1. Charlie Lavarello in Nemesis (Crew Hamish Risso and Paul Borda)
2. Charlie Stagnetto in Fairdawn
3. Monty Spindler in Temptress

Rover Trophy Result
1. Charlie Stagnetto in Fairdawn (Crew Miro Kunes and Phil Moyes)
2. Charlie Lavarello in Nemesis
3. Monty Spindler in Temptress

Crutchley Cup
1. Hamish Risso in Fencer
2. Tom Hillman in Fairdawn
3. David Collins in Niña

Capurro Tankard
1. Charlie Stagnetto in Fairdawn
2. Andrew Alcantara in Zoe
3. Bernard Capurro in Temptress

Cochrane crews Race
1. Phil Moyes in Fairdawn
2. Brian Brophy in Zoe
3. Paul Borda in Fencer

Ladies Race
1. Zoe Risso in Fencer
2. Esther Sanchez del Pozo in Andromeda
3. Michelle Stagnetto in Fairdawn