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RG successful at the Infantry football team trials

From left Pte Hicks, LCpl Panzavechia, Sgt Grech and LCpl Fortuna

The Royal Gibraltar Regiment (RG) has achieved success at the Infantry football team trials which took place in Aldershot.

Four members of the RG, Sergeant Paul Grech, Lance Corporals Dexter Panzavechia and Jamie Fortuna and Pte Bradley Hicks, recently took part in selection trials and all four were successful in being selected.

The Chairman of the Infantry team, Major Lee Waghorn praised the Regiment’s commitment towards the sport and commented that the Regiment representatives are “The Rock of the Infantry team”.

Training will now commence and will see all four participating in tournaments towards the end of September.

From left Pte Hicks, LCpl Panzavechia, Sgt Grech and LCpl Fortuna

From left Pte Hicks, LCpl Panzavechia, Sgt Grech and LCpl Fortuna

RG football team 2

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