Rise in Covid cases sees Govt review measures
Chief Minister Fabian Picardo chaired a virtual meeting yesterday to review policies and procedures as Covid-19 cases rise.
The meeting saw officials review measures to ensure they will be ready to make “difficult decisions”, should it become necessary to declare another Major Incident earlier than anticipated.
Mr Picardo had previously said it was likely this could be required in the autumn, and yesterday urged the public to follow health advice.
The Gibraltar Government confirmed there were 19 active cases yesterday, marking a slight decrease after some 21 active cases were logged on Sunday.
"In the current climate, it is more important than ever to follow public health advice,” Mr Picardo said.
“This includes regular hand-washing, maintaining a social distance of 2m, wearing a mask indoors where social distancing is not possible and sticking to a social bubble in gatherings of 20 persons or less.”
“Public Health advice continues to be that those who are vulnerable and the elderly need to be extra careful when interacting with other people.”
“I strongly urge people to follow this advice whilst they continue to enjoy summer breaks whilst ensuring that they prudently observe social distancing and hygiene rules.”
“In light of the increased numbers of positive cases, we may also need to issue additional guidance in coming days.”
"Given the continued rise in numbers of cases of Covid-19 we are seeing, those of us who will make up Platinum Command will continue to meet on a regular basis in order to maintain an oversight over the evolution of the pandemic in Gibraltar should it be necessary to once again declare a Major Incident.”
“In this way we will ensure that we are once again ready in the event that difficult decisions need to be taken going forward."
The meeting was comprised of the group that made Platinum Command during the initial Covid-19 emergency earlier this year, which included the Governor, the Deputy Chief Minister, the Minister for Civil Contingencies, the Minister for Public Health, the Deputy Governor, the Commander British Forces and the Civil Contingencies Coordinator.
Platinum stands at the top of the command structure whenever a Major Incident has been declared and that it met on a daily basis over the past few months during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.