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Samaritans to hold information day for volunteers

The Gibraltar Samaritans will be holding an Information Day for prospective volunteers ahead of its launch.
The Samaritans is an international helpline service that aims to aid people who are distressed and have suicidal thoughts.
Later this year the charity will launch a helpline locally that it hopes will be a 24hr service.
The event to be held on May 13 at the Eliott Hotel includes a one hour presentation from Director of Central London Samaritan office Maggie Galliano.
The Information Day is open for anyone interested in helping with the Samaritan service with no prior experience or qualifications needed as volunteers will be given full training and on-going support.
The charity was also recently visited by its Patron Lieutenant General Governor Edward Davis.
Lt Gen Davis met with volunteer trainers and two UK trainers during a weekend course.

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