School Year’s 8-10 Category Highly Commended The Teen by Michael Piris
Nothing to do!
No longer a child.
Not yet an adult.
Imprisoned in my own head.
Furious at what?
At anything and everyone
Emotions wild.
Out of control.
A roller coaster of sensations.
Sudden triggers.
Hormones fully charged.
Sleep deprivation.
Cranky and obnoxious.
Life just getting in the way.
My bed safe paradise.
Insatiable appetite, growth spirt.
Never enough, eating non stop.
When will it end?
My hunger is unexplained.
With the mystery of adulthood which lies ahead.
Judge Charlie Durante’s comments:
“Adolescence is a difficult time for most of us: we feel disorientated, callow, driven by inexplicable feelings; our bodies start to rebel and we are powerless to control them. Still, it’s only a transition period-if managed wisely, it should lead to a stable, happy adulthood. Michael’s The Teen centres on the key issues involved: boredom, unexplained anger, hormonal imbalance, lethargy and a rampant gluttony. The technique of having one word at the beginning of each verse gives the poem a pleasing structure and allows the writer to explore the implications of those single words. It requires a certain amount of self-knowledge to examine oneself during this critical period and Michael’s poem conveys this new self-awareness. It augurs well for his entry into full adulthood. A very enjoyable poem indeed.”