Senior Sports to make a phased return as from a Monday
Local sports will start making a phased return to training as from Monday, with competitive activities still awaiting a further green light.
This was announced today by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo during a live press conference updating on Gibraltar’s current public health emergency status.
Commenting in relation to sports Mr Picardo said, “The conscientious and responsible nature in which in our sporting fraternity managed the unlocking of sports first time around has contributed greatly when considering the return of organised sporting activity this time.
“Therefore, as from Monday 22nd February all sports will be allowed to return as long as they work within the current restrictions on gatherings which limit the numbers of persons who can gather to a maximum of 12.
“The GSLA will not be issuing any permits for an extension of numbers permissible beyond that other than those already active.
“We are however conscious of the fact that this could be difficult for certain sports in particular.
“As such, and all being well, the GSLA will start accepting applications for small extensions to numbers beyond the restricted limit under a permit-based system but not until the 8th March.
“I ask that these requests are made by those for whom it is absolutely necessary as permits will only be issued after robust and careful scrutiny.
“Finally, on the 22nd March sports associations will be able to apply for consideration of a return to competition.
“The GSLA will consider these issues in consultation with, and on the advice from, Public Health Gibraltar.
“We believe this timeline provides a logical and progressive return for those that have been out of action for so long.
“More importantly, the scaled and responsible approach has the safety of our community as its foundation.”
Since the announcement rugby, basketball and tennis have announced they will be returning to training as from Monday with other sports already indicating they are working on plans for their return.
Football, which already returned to training will be the only sport which currently is allowed to resume competitive activity as it prepares for international matches next month.
Rugby has indicated that it expects to return to competitive activity around March 22.
Most associations have indicated that the return of sports has been limited at present to senior level with youth still expected to wait a further two weeks before its return.
Update - Some Youth training sessions are expected to return alongside senior sports, these has been confirmed by GABBA officials who indicate that in the latest changes youth training can resume at the same time as senior training sessions.
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