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Short Stories School Years 4 to 5 Runner-up Ari Leithner with ‘The Amazing Mirror’

Once upon a time there was a family. In that family there was a very old mirror that had been passed down for 16 generations! There was a boy named Paul Natt. Every day when he came back from school, he used to look in the very old mirror but today he saw himself – mouth opened in shock! He saw the craziest thing ever! He saw a new world! “How could it be that nobody ever saw this!” Paul cried in shock. He put his hand in the mirror, and it almost got sucked in! “Phew.” Paul sighed in relief. What should I do? He asked himself. “Well, I guess there is only one thing I can do, jump in.” Paul sighed. So, he jumped in the mirror. You’ll never guess what he saw, not even in 1000000000000000000000000000 years! So, he saw the craziest world ever, it was called candy land! So, Paul started taking as many sweets as he could. But then he saw a short fat gnome with pointy ears and evil red beady eyes that gave him a shock! Paul didn’t know what to say. But then the gnome started screaming at poor Paul “HEY YOU!” cried the gnome. “M-me.” Shivered Paul in fear. “YES YOU! YOU ARE TAKING MY CANDY! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DID YOU GET HERE ANYWAY!” screeched the gnome. “I-I.” Sniffled Paul half crying and ran out of candy land! And he was never going to come back. No way! And now if you see candy land! In your mirror remember the unkind gnome and until now nobody knows about it except you and me. And if you ask how I know, because, I am Paul Natt… DUNNUDUN

Adjudicators Comments:
‘The Amazing Mirror’ pays homage to so many tales where a household object - think wardrobes, bedknobs or rings - becomes the portal to fantastical lands. Our protagonist ventures into an alternate world complete with an evil antagonist! After a quick escape we are left with a warning… and a twist! A fun story!

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