#SitForCalpeHouse throne to go on tour
The Sit for Calpe House red throne will be going on tour with the charity initiative already raising £7,300 for the Calpe House Trust.
The Gibraltar Youth Production Team has spent month organising portrait sessions in aid of the Calpe House Trust.
The Team aim to raise £10,000 for the Trust with their portrait sessions.
Over the few months GYPT members have been holding special studio portrait sessions in exchange of a suggested minimum donation of £20.
Since then the Team has been inundated with requests from people wishing to participate in the photoshoots.
A number of local businesses have already committed, in exchange for a donation at their discretion, to welcome the #sitforcalpehouse throne.
The throne will sit in their offices for a week for their employees and customers to interact with and be photographed upon.
GYPT is calling on all businesses to book the throne and become a stop on #thetour.
For more info e-mail: gibyouth@gibtelecom.net or tel: 200 78578.