Sustainability Resources Collection at John Mackintosh Hall Library
A collection of resources that can be used to support people's engagement, learning and education in issues of sustainability has been established at the John Mackintosh Hall.
Gibraltar Cultural Services and the Office of the Commissioner for Sustainable Development and Future Generations announced the initiative this week.
The Sustainability Resources Collection (SRC) is now housed at the John Mackintosh Hall Library, with books available for loan and for use as a reference resource.
Some of the resources are suitable for businesses seeking to engage employers in sustainability activities whilst others support the informal leaning opportunities often inspired or supported by NGOs and/or community groups.
There will also be a series of resources for educators and teachers so that they can bring sustainability alive in the curriculum and school grounds.
This initiative supports those who are seeking to involve others in the transition towards a more sustainable future and a greener Gibraltar.
The range and number of resources will be extended of recent months and updated as new resources become available.
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