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Talks continues in London on Brexit and finance

Gibraltar’s Minister of Commerce, Albert Isola, has been in London for a series of meetings covering Brexit and the FinTech and insurance sectors.

The meetings on Brexit took place with officials from the UK Government and further developed the ongoing discussions in respect of Gibraltar’s financial services and gaming industries.

In both meetings, the minister was supported by representatives from the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission, local officials and private sector advisors.

Mr Isola was also invited to open two FinTech events in London and hosted a lunch for senior executives from a number of large distributed ledger technology businesses at Gibraltar House.

He also had meetings with two major insurance groups.

“We continue to prepare for a post-Brexit world in close consultation with the United Kingdom Government,” Mr Isola said.

“The UK Government has clearly stated that Gibraltar’s current ability to passport financial services into the UK will continue post-Brexit and we are in detailed discussions as to how this will be delivered.”

“On 1 January 2018 Gibraltar’s Distributed Ledger Technology Regulations came into force and there has already been significant activity from applicants seeking to obtain authorisation as regulated DLT providers.”

“We will continue to work to explore new opportunities both in the DLT space as well as in the traditional financial services sectors.”

Mr Isola was accompanied by James Tipping, chief executive of Gibraltar Finance, and Michael Ashton, senior executive at Gibraltar Finance.

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