The final Europe Netball Presentation that sets the ball rolling for 2025
The final presentation of the Europe Netball Combined Under 17 event which brought to Gibraltar both the Europe Netball Championship Tournament and the Challenge tournament completed what was a very successfully hosted event in Gibraltar.
As a testing ground for next year’s World Netball Youth Championships, this year’s event highlighted that Gibraltar was ready to take on the challenge of hosting next year’s events. Officials will now look at all the minor details which will need to be tweaked and developed for next year. However, with the top Under 17 players in Europe having completed successfully their participation in Gibraltar, even under some severe weather conditions, the set is now set for Gibraltar to prepare to welcome the Under 21s who will compete next year.. Gibraltar having had a taster of what to expect, especially in the quality of play Gibraltar will see.
Images of Presentation by Eric Rowbottom
Match Action Images by Brandon Avellano