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Victorian Day at Loreto Convent School

Year 6 students at Loreto Convent School went back in time and endured a ‘horribly’ realistic day in the life of a Victorian school child.

Both pupils and teachers spent the day dressed in Victorian attire and the pupils participated in a remote Victorian lesson delivered from the Beamish Museum in Durham.

Lessons included handwriting, arithmetic, poetry, and drill with a rather strict teacher who reminded them that children should be seen, not heard.

“Pupils were shocked to hear about the punishments used in Victorian schools,” a spokesman for Loreto Convent said.

He added a historian from the Gibraltar National Museum joined the pupils for a session.

Pupils learned about a Victorian convict ship, The Owen Glendower, which was anchored in the area that is now the Shipyard.

“They were horrified to hear about the hard labour suffered on board this ship,” the spokesman said.

The pupils then enjoyed a recreative afternoon where they prepared mini–Victoria Sponges, made traditional peg-dolls and drew botanical sketches.

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