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Westminster group plans petition

The Representation in Westminster Group will launch a petition as from Saturday as it called on local residents to join the group and support the petition.
This follows the Group’s first public meeting earlier this week which it described as “very positive, successful and well attended”.
To start with, a minute's silence was held in memory of William Chamberlain and Maurice Xiberras, both of whom were good friends, colleagues and staunch supporters of the Group.
Lyana Armstrong-Emery continued the evening with a brief presentation in which she explained how the group was formed in 2011 with the aim and policy that Gibraltar should have direct representation in the UK Parliament at Westminster.
This was followed by an “inspiring” talk from the Group’s Chairman and former Gibraltar Government Minister Joe Caruana.
Both speakers explained to those present why having a voice that would actively be heard in Parliament where critical decisions concerning Gibraltar and the Gibraltarians are taken was so important for Gibraltar.
“This is especially true as Brexit will result in our losing our voice within Europe and it is therefore even more important for us now to secure within the UK this important democratic right for all of us British Citizens on the Rock,” the group said.
According to the Group a very lively and interesting question and answer session followed with many in the audience participating.
The public meeting is now followed by a petition which starts this coming Saturday May 13, in the Piazza.
The Representation in Westminster Group urges as many local residents as possible to join the Group and sign. The collection of signatures will continue throughout the summer.

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