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Women’s debut in international qualifier futsal in May now postponed

Gibraltar women’s futsal qualifiers due to be played in Gibraltar have been called off, along with this month’s under 21 qualifiers.
This was to be the first competitive tournament Gibraltar’s women’s football were due to play. A decision by UeFA to postpone competitions now setting back their official international competitive debut.
Following UEFA’s announcement the Gibraltar Football Association, who participated in historic video-conference meeting between UEFA and all its 55 Member Associations states.
“The impact of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis on international football (including both national team and club competitions) was discussed at length, and UEFA have subsequently issued a media statement outlining the decisions made at the meeting. The statement confirms that all UEFA competitions and matches for clubs and national teams for both men and women have been put on hold until further notice. This means that both upcoming U21 matches (against Norway on the 28th March and Cyprus on the 31st March) as well as the Women’s Futsal EURO qualifiers in May will not go ahead as scheduled.”
“The impact of the crisis on domestic football was briefly touched upon and UEFA confirmed that a working group would be established to work on calendar solutions that would allow for the completion of the current season.”
“The situation remains unpredictable and fluid. This is a rapidly evolving crisis with many different scenarios possible in terms of how to finalise domestic seasons. The Board of Directors of the Gibraltar Football Association will be having a series of meetings via conference call over the next few days to determine the options available to local football in terms of ensuring the continuity and integrity of all domestic competitions.”
“In the meantime, the Gibraltar FA does not lose sight of the crisis that we are all facing in Gibraltar, and once again reminds everyone to follow the instructions of Gibraltar Health Authority professionals, of Public Health Gibraltar, HM Government of Gibraltar and all other relevant persons who are working tirelessly to keep the community as safe as possible.”

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