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Youth Athletics league starts summer track league

The GAAA Youth Athletics Track League completed its Spring campaign and will now be heading towards starting its summer track league.
The presentation for the Spring Track League will take place on Tuesday 16th May at the Lathbury Stadium, the new home for athletics. With close to 200 young athletes having taken part the GAAA has been boosted after years of absence of such a league due to restrictions on use of track and other logistical issues impacting on the organisation of events while they had been sharing facilities with football at the Victoria Stadium.
The Spring track league, the second hosted at the new facilities, now opens the way for the Summer Track League which will start races on Tuesday 16th May, just after the Spring league presentation, giving runners a change to converge on the facilities once again.
With summer school sports days also expected this year, the return of the track leagues will boost interest in the forthcoming school sports days where the interschool relays have been among the highlights during past decades.
The GAAA Summer Track League will open with some of the longer distance races. With races every Tuesday finishing on 6th June where competitors will be taking part in the 80m and 100m sprints (dependent on age groups.)
The results for the Spring Track League were as follows.