Aimee Lawrence formerly a Southampton player is new addition to women’s squad
Eighteen year old Aimee Lawerence, who has played for Southampton Womens Football Club in recent years and has been selected for the English Colleges FA is among one of the key new players named in Gibraltar women’s provisional squad by selectors.
The young player is understood to be eligible to play for Gibraltar through her maternal grand father and joins the provisional squad, bolstering the squad further.
She joins the ranks of players such as Ellie Mason whose experience playing outside Gibraltar has already contributed to set the tone for Gibraltar as it enters the women’s international scene.
Other players who have experience playing in the U.K. and Spain include Shania Robba, Tiffany Viaga, Kyrelle Revegliatte, Charylann Pizzarello, Josie Cummings, Dahlia Salah and Naomi Victor.