GABBA president appointed as one of three FIBA Europe Vice Presidents

Investiture John Goncalves 040419 { seq} ( Photo John Bugeja) as Mayor of Gibraltar and Christian Santos as his Deputy
John Goncalves, GABBA President and the current Mayor of Gibraltar, has been nominated as one of the 3 Vice Presidents, together with Jean-Pierre Siutat, President of the French Federation, and Carmen Tocala, President of the Rumanian Federation.
The President of FIBA Europe, the Vice-Presidents, Secretary General Kamil Novak (Czech Republic), Treasurer Karl Thaller (Austria) and 4 members of the Board: Jorge Garbajosa (President of the Spanish Federation), Natalia Galkina (Secretary General and CEO of the Russian Federation), Ivan Bodrogvary (Hungary) and Aris Zois (Greece) will form the Executive Committee of FIBA Europe for the next four years.
Gibraltar has also been given representation in 2 of the 7 Permanent Commissions, with GABBA Vice President Ian Felice nominated to the Legal Commission, and GABBA Secretary General Antoinette Sanderson to the Small Countries Commission.