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Gibraltar honors historical ties with Catalonia in plaque presentation ceremony

On Friday April 19 a historical event took place in a display of friendship and solidarity as representatives of the Instituto de Projecció Exterior de la Cultura Catalana (IPECC) presented a replica plaque to the Mayor Carmen Gomez.

The original was presented in 2004 on Gibraltar’s Tercentenary celebrations of the Capture of the Rock.

The plaque commemorates the two companies of Catalan troops, one Artillery and one Mountain Fuiliers who were among the Anglo-Dutch force which captured the Rock in 1704.

The Catalans landed at the then designated Playa de los Catalanes, now known as Catalan Bay.

Many of these troops remained in Gibraltar and joined the Genoese fishermen who founded the village. The plaque is now displayed at Catalan Bay overlooking the area where the troops landed.
The IPECC delegation was welcomed and acceptance speech was given by the Mayor.

The Secretary of IPECC, Señor Josep Puig Torres exchanged historical literary mementos with Ms Gomez.

Also in attendance, was Dr Jennifer Ballantine-Perrera, who received a historical volume of the history of Cataluña which will be kept at the Garrison Library. This was followed by a Civic reception at City Hall.

The event was instigated by Joe Brugada, son of the late and well known Pepe el Catalan ladies hairdresser at No1 Bomb House Lane, 1931 to 1960, in collaboration with the Catalan freelance journalist and researcher Marti Crespo, a friend of Gibraltar.

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