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Kingsway Tunnel emergency planning group meeting held

The Kingsway Emergency Planning Group held its quarterly meeting this week with Minister for Transport Dr John Cortes in attendance.

This Group has representation from Kingsway Management, the Emergency Services, Government officials from various stakeholder departments, JT Security and London Bridge Associates who are the UK specialist tunnel consultants tasked with assisting with the safety and operational aspects of the facility and its associated areas.

A whole series of items were reviewed and discussed at the meeting including all the planned actions, an operations update and maintenance issues.

In addition, the Emergency Plan and the Interagency Tactical Response Guidance was discussed with member’s providing updates which will now be used to amend the current procedures.

The group also serves as a forum for the participating organisations to review any topics not directly related to safety or maintenance but still relevant to Kingsway.

“Kingsway is a vital piece of Gibraltar’s infrastructure and is imperative that all the organisations and agencies involved in its operation or tasked with responding to incidents are fully conversant in the practices and procedures in place so that the public can use this facility safely and efficiently,” said Dr Cortes.

“I was very impressed with the level of expertise and processes that make the tunnel effective and safe.”