Licudi announces Gibraltar Maritime Academy
The Gibraltar Government is to establish a Maritime Academy in Gibraltar, Gilbert Licudi, the Minister for the Port, Maritime Affairs and the University, announced on Monday.
The academy will be based at the University of Gibraltar and the announcement coincided with the start of the first Gibraltar Maritime Week conference, which is bringing together international delegates from the sector to discuss market trends, challenges and opportunities.
“Training of seafarers is, of course, an area which is absolutely fundamental to the shipping and maritime industries,” Mr Licudi told guests at a reception on Monday night.
“There is a great deal that Gibraltar can offer in terms of training and qualifications.”
“The academy, through the university, will provide as from September 2020 a full academic and professional training package developed and delivered to the highest accredited standards in the industry.”
“It will provide the opportunity, on completion, to start a career as an officer in the merchant navy, on a research ship, a cruise ship or a superyacht.”
Mr Licudi said there will be a BSc (Hons) in Maritime Science (Nautical) with deck cadetship and a BSc (Hons) in Maritime Science (Engineering) with engineer cadetship.
These will lead to deck officer of the watch certification or engineer officer of the watch certification, allowing entry into the maritime profession as officers.
In addition, the university will offer the BSc (Hons) degree in Maritime Science (Nautical) and the BSC (Hons) in Maritime Science (Engineering) entirely online so that these can be undertaken through distance learning.
This will be of particular interest to those already working at sea who wish to gain an undergraduate degree while continuing to work.
Depending on qualifications and experience, current officers may be eligible for credit towards some of the degree modules through Recognition of Prior Learning.
Mr Licudi stressed that all degrees will be aligned to the UK’s Merchant Navy Training Board (MNTB) and Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) standards.
“We are truly excited by the prospect of putting Gibraltar firmly on the map as a provider of world class maritime training,” he said.