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Together Gibraltar talks apprenticeships with Unite

Together Gibraltar met with Unite the Union yesterday to discuss Unite’s 15-point plan concerning the rights of agency and supply workers.

At the meeting, Unite the Union presented a proposal for the development of a sustainable skills base in Gibraltar, via apprenticeships and training programs.

The proposal included recommendations for best standards and practice to be adopted.

Together Gibraltar said it welcomed the opportunity to engage with Unite, in order to better understand Unite’s concerns and proposals.

“It is precisely this type of constructive engagement which will ensure Gibraltar protects its workers’ rights and invests in the skill sets needed for a sustainable economy and public sector,” the party said.

Together Gibraltar said it will continue to work with Unite in order to:
- Address inequality in the workplace, including disparities in pay and working conditions between permanent and agency or supply staff
- Resolve other inequalities in the workplace, whether based on nationality, gender or otherwise
- Develop a comprehensive and extensive training programme which focuses on the skills required in our economy, in particular non-academic based skills and vocations.

“Given the backdrop of Brexit, the gap in skill sets is more pronounced than ever and therefore requires immediate attention,” the party said.

“Together Gibraltar believes the present offering and facilities do not adequately prepare Gibraltar’s workforce for a sustainable future and we urge the Government to address this as a matter of urgency.”

“Together Gibraltar will carefully study the work undertaken by Unite in this area and has agreed to convene a further meeting with Unite in order to discuss details of their proposals for agency workers and for the development of a sustainable plan to guide and train Gibraltar’s workforce in to the future.”

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