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Gibraltar Netball to host Interschool tournament this afternoon

The Tercentenary Sports Hall will once again become a hive of activity this afternoon as Gibraltar Netball hosts its Interschool Tournament. Teams from the middle schools will compete as from 4pm this afternoon in what should be an exciting and highly competitive sporting event.
Matches will be played with two eight minute halves with teams formed by a maximum of 12 players per squad.
The tournament format is scheduled to allow for a three game guarantee tournament- double elimination. A format which has been regularly used by netball.
Although this week the number of teams was reduced by one, with one of the schools which had proposed to put out two teams dropping one of them, the competition will see the ever present rivarly between local schools bring some life into the Tercentenary Sports Hall.
Notably, the netball tournament, follows in line with other interschool sports tournaments which have already been held and are scheduled to be held bringing back a full fixture schedule of interschool sports event into the sports education calendar.
With the global pandemic having impacted heavily on this event the return of the interschool competitions has been more than welcomed this year where schools have been able to prepare from early on alongside the respective spports associations.
It has also seen a return of association representatives within school liaising to bring coaching sessions into schools and encourage youngster to take up their sports.
Netball, is among one of the sports which is keeping close liaisons with schools delivering programes and opportunities for young players as it continues to build upon its grassroots.
The success of its grassroots development will also be seen in the interschool tournament, where many of the players are likely to have gained some experience from their participation in the associations own competitions.
Netball also saw this week the start of its ewly formed Umpire Workgroups.
Led by Head of Officiating, ITID Umpire, Nadine Pardo-Zammit, the group will be working on all umpire progression within the association and be a point of contact for all the umpiring in Gibraltar Netball.
Further information on roles will follow, once their website is live.

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