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Govt vows to fix DVLD’s single phoneline dilemma

Pic: Eyleen Gomez

A single landline. A phone without an engaged tone. Combined, the outcome was people phoning the Driver Vehicle and Licensing Department (DVLD) and feeling ignored, as if no one was answering their call.

The Gibraltar Government yesterday gave that explanation following complaints on social media from people frustrated at the perceived lack of response to calls to the DVLD.

“This is a concern for the Government and has been a matter raised with the Government by GGCA given that within the department, there is only one available land line to deal with public enquiries, the line does not register an engaged tone when it is in use and therefore, the general public does not have access to the services provided, whilst getting the impression that the staff is simply not answering calls,” No.6 Convent Place said in a statement.

“This is a logistical issue that is being specifically addressed, although it is one which has been delayed as a result of the public health emergency.”

The Government said it was grateful to staff for taking calls on their private mobile phones in order to continue to provide the best service possible until the matter is resolved.

Two mobile phones have been purchased to help address the issue and additional “communications resources” will be provided to ensure that the staff are able to deliver a more efficient service to the general public.

“I am very grateful to our people at the DVLD for the way they have committed to deliver to the public in this difficult time and with the logistical issues that we are in the process of resolving,” said the Minister for Transport, Vijay Daryanani.

“Nobody should think they are anything but totally committed to their jobs and to our community and it is unfair for anyone to think otherwise.”

“We will continue to seek to resolve these logistical matters so we can continue to improve the service we provide.”

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