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GSD welcomes May’s vote commitment, but is cautious on border

The GSD yesterday welcomed Theresa May’s announcement that the UK Government will allow the British parliament to vote on any Brexit deal it negotiates with the European Union.
But the Opposition struck a cautious note on other aspects of the Prime Minister’s speech.
“It is clear from that speech that the UK will not sacrifice the ability to restrict free movement of people in return for access to the Single Market,” the GSD said. 
“That has important implications for the border with Spain.” 
The GSD noted the recent written submissions made by the Gibraltar Government to the House of Lords that "a proper free flowing frontier for day/cross border workers and tourists is an essential". 
It said that in “a hard or harder Brexit situation”, it would be much easier for Spain to use the border as “a significant pressure point”. 
“In the unfolding scenario it is imperative that the UK Government does everything that it can to ensure that any Brexit deal includes an acceptable agreement with the European Union in respect of the border with Spain as it appears Mrs May is prepared to do with Northern Ireland,” the GSD said in a statement.
“The GSD has been pro-active in making its own submissions to the House Lords in which, amongst other things, it repeats its longstanding position that Gibraltar should concentrate on protecting and enhancing our continued access to the UK market; ensuring we are included in any deal the UK negotiates with the European Union and third countries; and ensuring the UK concludes a satisfactory agreement with the European Union on the border with Spain.”

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