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Man loses driving licence for riding e-bike while over drink drive limit

Pic by Johnny Bugeja

A local man who was riding an e-bike while over the drink limit was fined £400 and disqualified from driving a motor vehicle for six months.

E-bike riders do not need a licence but the ban imposed the Magistrates Court means that, while he can continue using the bicycle, he will not be able to drive or ride a moped.

It is believed to be the first time a cyclist is charged with a drink driving offence.

The man was over twice the drink drive limit when he was seen just before midnight last Tuesday by officers were patrolling Winston Churchill Avenue.

The man rode into the GibOil Petrol Station but was unsteady on his feet.

On speaking to him, RGP officer noticed that he was slurring his speech and smelt of alcoholic drink.

He then blew 88ug on the roadside breath test – the legal limit being 35ug – and was arrested.

He was searched before he was placed in the police van and officers found that he was also in possession of 0.3 grams of cocaine, for which he was further arrested.

In court, he pleaded guilty to the possession, for which he was fined a further £400.

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